Saturday, October 01, 2005

Thanks for coming!

Thank you to everyone who came to see us play. I had so much fun seeing everyone in the crowd. I couldn't have been more pleased to be talking with the guys in the band, look out the window and be able to announce: "I believe that is my family in the limo van. I'm sure they'll be out any minute, just as soon as they finish their roadies." Your participation might convince them to let me stay!

I can barely talk today, but it was well worth it!!!

Friday, September 30, 2005

Tonight's the Night

Well, I don't feel much better today. Trish - I will sing as much as I can, but it won't be my best performance and I'm sure it will be punctuated by coughing fits. So, if you can't make it - not a problem since I may well embarrass myself.

For Red Sox fans, I've been informed that the game WILL BE ON a big screen TV upstairs. That may mean that we (the band) have been bumped back to the grimey basement. Or not. . . I don't know much since I haven't been to practice. My average time to bed for the night is 7 pm over the last few nights.

In any case, for those of you who are looking for something to do:
Rod the Long Bone
9 pm
The International
184 High Street
Tonight (9/30/05)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

It isn't so hard. . . .

Okay, so my 2nd attempt at blogging didn't work out so well. .. I already had to ask them to email me my password. Next time will be different. . . .

I've invited Trish, Bob, and Tini to be "team members" to post to the blog. I'll add more people as I get the energy. . . feel free to send gifts to my house if you'd like to "influence" the judgment as to how early you get invited.

Bad news about Friday - not only is Aretha Franklin showing up for a guest spot (after which I'll slide in for a crappy rendition of "Row Row Row your Boat", which shouldn't be embarrassing at all), but I'm sick. I'm staying in bed today. If I have a voice tomorrow, I sincerely hope I don't thoroughly embarrass myself.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Hello Cashmans! Welcome cousins!

Hello Cashmans! Welcome cousins!

Bobby threatened to start a family blog a while back, but when push comes to shove we know who can get things done. We also know who hates their job and will do anything to avoid it.

In any case, you'll be happy to know that Mike and I are finally sober and speaking to one another again, after a nasty bust-up at Andrea's wedding. Isn't it a rule that at least one long-time couple has to break up at every Cashman wedding?